Export Controls
Air One Aviation Limited is committed to conducting its business with honesty and integrity, and in compliance with all U.S. trade and economic sanctions. Even though Air One Aviation Limited is not a U.S. company, Air One Aviation Limited is committed to complying with these controls when we lease, sell, or offer charters of U.S.-origin aircraft or transport or otherwise engage in transactions, directly or indirectly, involving U.S. origin goods or with U.S. persons.
The management of Air One Aviation Limited directs every officer, employee, or person acting on behalf of the Company involved in international business transactions to understand these laws and to comply with them as required. Air One Aviation Limited’s compliance with these laws is a critical component of the company’s reputation and success.
Export Control Laws and Regulations
The U.S. Government has in place export control laws and regulations designed to ensure that transfers of products, services, and technology are accomplished in a manner that is consistent with its national security and foreign policy goals. These laws can apply to transfers of U.S. origin goods and technology, use and sale of U.S. origin aircraft, and to actions taken outside of the United States. The United States also imposes sanctions that restrict trade and financial transactions with certain countries, entities, and individuals. Air One Aviation Limited supports the purpose of these laws.
These controls apply to some aspects of Air One Aviation Limited’s business. Failure to comply with U.S. trade and economic sanctions, when required, can result in criminal sanctions, the loss of U.S. export/import privileges, civil fines, debarment from government contracting, and imprisonment. These penalties can be levied against the company and against individuals.
Our Commitment to Compliance
In issuing this Statement, the Officers of Air One Aviation Limited reaffirm the company’s commitment to compliance with U.S. trade and economic sanctions. Under no circumstances may any of Air One Aviation Limited’s U.S. origin aircraft be used in contrary to these controls.
Additionally, Air One Aviation Limited will not transport U.S.-origin goods to any countries, entities, or individuals prohibited under these laws, without any required authorization.
Air One Aviation Limited expects its employees, Officers, and agents to adhere to the company’s commitment to compliance. It is our responsibility to have a basic understanding of trade and economic sanctions; to know the requirements of Air One Aviation Limited compliance procedures where applicable to our duties; and to seek appropriate guidance in a timely manner.
Non-compliance by Air One Aviation Limited personnel will be met with appropriate disciplinary action, including the possibility of termination of employment.
Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation in this important effort.